Reverse Health is the first 12-week weight loss program designed specifically for women, with an emphasis on female physiology.
Their goal is to help women of all ages improve their physical and mental health so that they can live life to the fullest, surrounded by love and supporting those around them.
They set out to provide you with the understanding and resources necessary to not just lose weight, but keep it off, extend your life span, reverse the signs of aging, and acquire priceless mental tools that will help you stick to your goals.
At Reverse Health, they place a premium on the health and safety of female patients. When you become a part of their group, you affirm theirr goal of promoting the well-being of women of all ages. That’s why their contribution goes to an organization that helps poor women. In 2021 and 2022, we will be fundraising for breast cancer organizations.
They appreciate you joining their cause.
As nutritionists and health coaches, they’ve spent years empowering women to improve their health and well-being.
Matt: “The idea for Reverse Health came about after my mother (I’m English, by the way) begged for help with her weight loss.I understood that she required a tailor-made strategy for dropping pounds, one that took into account the specifics of her female anatomy and the hormonal shifts that accompany menopause. I was saddened to learn of all the quick-fix diet plans that didn’t address the root cause of the problem. After realizing this, I set out to make my own program to ensure that women of all ages feel their best. Health Inversion was established.
My motivations for helping to create Reverse Health were identical. Not only have I seen my mother and her friends try various diets without success, but many of my clients have reported battling with age-related issues including low vitality, insomnia, unwelcome weight gain, and so on. I was asked how to turn things around one day.
The concept and label originated from there. They joined forces to develop an evidence-based plan for women to follow to get in shape and finally give up their diet mentality. Because they guarantee that this will be the only diet you’ll ever have to go on.
After 12 weeks, you will have learned everything you need to know to live a healthy lifestyle and keep the weight you want.
Thwey established Reverse Health with the goal of helping their mothers age healthily and robustly. They’re excited to have you as part of their group.
Why protein matters for weight loss
The Greek definition of protein is “of first importance,” so there’s some random information for you today. They should not ignore this little-known fact about the Greeks because of their reputation for wisdom.
Protein is a special macronutrient since it aids in development and repair in addition to fueling bodily processes. It’s used in the construction of all kinds of cells, enzymes, hormones, and other biological molecules. Proteins are like building blocks in this analogy. When you consume protein, it’s like taking in little bricks that your body then uses to construct other parts of itself.
Protein is not just important for development and repair; it is also a key component in maintaining a healthy weight. While debates rage on regarding the relative merits of fat and carbohydrates, scientists can agree on one thing: protein is essential for both losing weight and keeping it off.
Protein intake should be at or above the current Dietary Reference Value of 0.3 grams per pound of body weight.However, this paltry sum is inadequate. Huge benefits await you on your journey with Reverse Health and beyond if you increase your protein consumption at every meal and strive for a total daily protein intake of 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For someone who weighs 150 pounds, that’s about 120 grams of protein each day.
Let’s discuss exactly why that is:
- Rev up metabolic rate
Visualize the fire that is your metabolism raging away inside of you. It’s like throwing gasoline on a flame when you up your protein intake.
Protein-rich foods require a lot of energy to breakdown, so eating them frequently and in significant amounts can speed up your metabolism.Protein has a far higher thermic effect of feeding—20-30%—than carbohydrates (5-10%) or fat (5%).
A 212-kilocalorie-per-day increase in metabolic rate has been linked to raising protein consumption to merely 29% of total calories consumed daily.That’s the same as walking briskly for 45 minutes!
Protein-rich meals cause a sustained increase in metabolic rate, so it’s best to spread them out over the day rather than gorge on them all at once. So, you basically just keep feeding the fire with breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, and dessert every day.
- Reduce hunger and cravings
The most filling macronutrient is protein. That’s because it contains the highest concentration of calories per volume, making it ideal for staving off hunger, cravings, and the dreaded cookie monster.
This is achieved by decreasing levels of ghrelin (the “hunger hormone”) and raising those of PYY and GLP-1, which convey messages to the brain that it is full and content and “don’t eat anything else.”
Adding protein to the diet at a rate of 30 percent of total calories resulted in a daily energy savings of 441 calories, according to one study. That’s a pretty incredible fact!
A similar effect was shown when consumers drank a whey protein shake one hour before going to a buffet; they consumed 193 to 215 fewer calories than they would have otherwise. It’s all down to protein’s satiating properties and the unambiguous messages it sends to the brain.
- Increase muscle mass
High protein diets help stimulate the growth and repair of muscle tissue. But fear not, increasing your daily protein intake will not morph you into a muscle bound body builder, but it will help you develop a toned, defined physique that burns more calories.
Muscle mass is metabolically active, meaning it burns more calories than other tissues, such as fat. So increasing muscle mass by elevating your protein intake and doing some form of resistance training multiple times a week will further support your body’s calorie burning power.
Although let’s not overstate the impact of this, relative to the aforementioned effects of protein on metabolic rate and appetite, lean muscle will only burn around 6 kcal per pound at rest. But nevertheless, increasing muscle mass is a very, very good idea.
- Stabilize energy
Those with type 2 diabetes can benefit from dietary protein’s capacity to stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent the dramatic ups and downs that can otherwise cause shaky energy levels, negative emotions, illogical behavior, and an insatiable appetite.
If you want to feel fuller for longer, have more consistent energy, and have your mood improved, the best thing you can do is combine protein with fiber rich foods.
- Build happy hormones
Protein is essential for the growth and repair of tissues throughout the body, and it is also a building block for several hormones.Include the feel-good hormone serotonin, which can be synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan.
Serotonin’s effects on the brain are well-documented; the neurotransmitter helps with anything from easing anxiety to facilitating relaxation and restful sleep. The neurotransmitter serotonin has a crucial role in many facets of human health.
Depression, anxiety, and other problems are linked to low serotonin levels, which can have a knock-on effect on one’s ability to maintain a healthy diet, regular exercise routine, and general enthusiasm for life.
How to guide:
Now that they’ve established why protein is so crucial, let’s talk about how to incorporate more of it into your daily diet.
Let’s find out how to get their recommended daily amount of protein, which is 0.8 grams per pound of body weight or 30–40% of total daily calories, into three to five evenly spaced meals.
Meat, fish, shellfish, dairy products, beans, lentils, and protein supplements like whey protein are all good sources of protein.
Target: 120 grams of protein per day and 30 grams of protein per mea
Steak = 40 grams
Chicken breast = 30 grams
Can of tuna = 30 grams
Scoop of whey protein = 26 grams
Salmon fillet = 25 grams
Cod fillet = 22 grams
Fat free Greek yogurt = 15 grams
Beans (½ cup) = 8 grams
Low fat milk (16 oz) = 7 grams
Protein timeline for maximum benefit:
Breakfast: 30 grams of protein from eggs, meat, Greek yogurt or similar.
Lunch: 30 grams of protein from meat, fish, shellfish, beans and pulses or a combination.
Snack: 30 grams of protein from eggs, Greek yogurt, protein shake or similar.
Evening Meal: 30 grams of protein from meat, fish, shellfish, beans and pulses or a combination.
Before Bed: Whey protein shake with low fat or plant-based milk.
You need to harness the power of protein if you want to lose weight and keep it off. It will help you burn more calories every day without lifting a finger, keep you feeling fuller for longer (which will make dieting simpler), increase your energy and mood, and even enhance your muscular tone.
Meal plans including 35–40% of daily calories coming from protein are what they offer here at Reverse Health since they want to make the most of protein’s potency. Protein-rich foods should make up at least a portion of each meal and snack, as measured in your hand.